Teaching a Hybrid Classroom is something most of us did not learn how to do in college. We are used to coming up with creative ways to keep tons of moving parts organized and running smoothly. Hybrid teaching has become a lot of those moving parts! Many teachers have wondered how to keep it all organized and how to have the same learning outcome for the students learning in the classroom and at home. Here are 5 tips to help you start organizing your Hybrid Classroom!
Use Laundry Baskets As Lockers!
In hybrid classrooms, lockers and cubbies are no longer in use. Plastic laundry baskets make the perfect personal, easy-to-clean solution. These baskets are from the Dollar Tree. They are tied to each student’s desk using Zip Ties. These baskets are the perfect size to hold backpacks and water bottles! They’re also very easy to sanitize and keep clean between student use.
Use Book Bins for School Supplies!
When a student’s workspace stays organized, it sets them up for success. To maintain an organized and clean workspace, each student was assigned a classroom number and a book bin with their number on it. These book bins are from Lakeshore and Amazon, the Numbers are from Michael’s and the Clear Adhesive Pockets are from Target. To maintain cleanliness, these Supply Book Bins should be placed at the students’ desk each morning BY THE TEACHER. This will limit the amount of contact on school supplies used by the students.
Print Workbook Pages!
A charged device, masks, packed lunch, water bottle… There is so much for students and families to remember when learning in a hybrid classroom. One week they’re learning at home and the next they could be learning in the classroom. Only to be back at home the following week. By printing out workbook pages, students do not have to bring as much material back and forth. This all guarantees that all students will have their learning materials with them at all times.
Use One Slideshow Per Day!
In a Hybrid Classroom, time savers are essential. One of the best tips I use daily is having one slideshow for the entire day. These slides engage the students to help create a classroom community, build routine and consistency for both learning platforms. Also within the Slideshow are links to the day’s lessons. When the lessons are linked to one place, the classroom day can flow smoothly and seamlessly. Time will not be wasted looking for the slides needed. I have included slides for countless things for Morning Meeting and other whole group lessons.
You can purchase these slides by clicking the image below!!
Get Yourself A Swivel Chair!
Last but not least is having a swivel chair! This swivel chair is a MUST in my hybrid classroom. With this swivel chair, I’m able to rotate quickly between in-person and virtual students! The kids also love it because I can push off and make my “grand entrance” to begin lessons or approach them when they have questions.
Teachers need to lean on each other for support and assistance. This is new territory for all, so I hope that you found something that you can use in your classroom!