Welcome back to my blog! This is a super quick one talking about my beloved iPad. I LOVE my iPad. I think it’s one of the best pieces of technology I own.
I mostly love it because of the app Procreate. On Procreate I am able to doodle, practice lettering, and now, make coloring pages.
I use an Apple Pencil, my iPad Air (3rd generation) and the app, Procreate.
Thanks to Callie Danielle, and her amazing tutorial on her website, I am able to make my very own coloring pages in Procreate.
Since I am obsessed with making them, I figured I would share them with you!!
In the google drive folder I have all of my creations in PDF and PNG files. Please download the files to your device. Use the PDF files if you want to print them out and color them. Use the PNG files if you want to import them into the Procreate app on your iPad and color them in.
**If using Procreate and coloring them in…remember to add a layer BEHIND the coloring page and color there.**